Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Visits ZJCM





On May 16, a delegation led by Abra K. Bush, Dean of the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, visited the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music (ZJCM) and signed a memorandum of intent for collaboration with President Wang Rui. Vice President Dong Dejun, as well as the heads of the Department of Orchestra and the International Cooperation Office, were present as witnesses.

Wang Rui first extended a warm welcome to Dean Bush and briefed her on the distinctive features of ZJCM and its recent developments. He expressed that this visit was a continuation of the excellent cooperation between the two institutions. Prior online communication had laid a solid foundation for inter-collegiate cooperation, and last year's visit of the Associate Vice President of Indiana University and the Pacifica Quartet had further created favorable conditions for comprehensive and practical cooperation between the two institutions. He hoped that the two institutions would continue to deepen their cooperation in the future and jointly explore new models of inter-collegiate collaboration.

Dean Bush expressed her honor at being invited to visit ZJCM and showed appreciation for ZJCM's philosophy of open and internationalized education. She particularly praised the high-level performance of students in her master classes. She also welcomed the Hangzhou Quartet from ZJCM to visit the Jacobs School of Music in July this year and expressed her intention to further strengthen cooperation in areas such as short-term or long-term exchanges of teachers and students, and joint music competitions.

Both sides signed the memorandum between ZJCM and the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University and exchanged gifts.

That evening, a concert featuring new chamber music pieces was held at the Standard Concert Hall. Students from the Department of Orchestra, Department of Traditional Chinese Music, and Department of Composing and Conducting of ZJCM collaborated to perform chamber music compositions created by four doctoral students from the Composition Department, Jacobs School of Music.

The Jacobs School of Music is a world-renowned music conservatory. With this signing as a starting point, both parties will delve into more profound cooperation by promoting exchanges and visits between faculty and students, as well as partnering on organizing events such as viola competitions, chamber music festivals, and New Year concerts.